Solomon Ortiz once said that “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students” (“16 Famous Quotes…”). Having a good education for a child and will prepare them for the future. This important necessity illustrates the value of great teachers. If this education was to be rudimentary, then this student would suffer the consequences. Not only would the student be afflicted, but it would have a trickledown effect on the family and community. This is what happens during school strikes. While teachers are striking, the people involved are feeling the ramifications. With striking permitted in states, it is causing stress and tension between the community …show more content…
and the strike has a long lasting aftermath. Teacher strikes should be illegal to ensure the relationships between instructors and the students, community, and school board; this can be fixed by having the direct boss of the school determine the pay of the teachers and if a new contract is necessary, have all people affected be able to participate in the construction of the new settlement.
Students that are directly affected by a school strike do not receive the best education and therefore are not prepared for the upcoming year. Students are in school to be educated. This is to gain knowledge that will advance them from grade to grade and prepare them for the future they desire. Without the knowledge of learning addition in kindergarten, it would be impossible to determine an integral in high school. When schools go on strike the students education is the first to feel the effects. This article says that many seniors will receive an inferior education heading off to college and eleventh graders are scared they will not be able to increase their test scores to send to colleges (“School’s Out”). This illustrates that the students, especially in the higher grades of high school, are moving on to their next step of schooling ill prepared. These students who have taken …show more content…
advanced placement courses who wanted to shorten the amount of required classes in high school get an unfair disadvantage. These students no longer have a teacher helping them to learn the new materials, but also do not have someone to ask questions to when studying outside of class. Not only do high school kids have a lacking education but so does the rest of the school's students. These students have not received all of the information that the students got the year before. So, this requires the teachers to either catch up at the beginning of the year, which risks the teachers of being behind in their curriculum, or not teaching the students what they missed out on. Some states have reduced the opportunities of striking by creating laws to protect the pupil from the unfavorable effects that they attain from the “quality of public education” that deteriorates the chances of the students (Lovenheim and Willén). This also demonstrates the negative outcomes that students bare from the choices of the teachers to strike. By removing the right to strike, students will obtain the education that is needed for the upcoming years of school.
School strikes not only affect the student, but also has a devastating effect on the economic issues it causes the families of the student.
When students are in school, their parent or guardian is normally at work earning money to support their family. While during the summer when kids are out of school, most parents either find a babysitter to watch their children or put them in a daycare center if unable to watch them themselves. Since this is necessary in the summer, parents save up to ensure that their kids are attended to. When a school strike starts this is not that case. David Roberts explains that “... finding child care at the last moment was challenging--and he says he's aware that other families are having problems affording it” (Sawchuk). While there is normally some warning that a strike might occur in a district, it is not enough time for families to gather up the money to send their kid to a place where they can be watched. This is even more difficult if the strike happens in a community with low-income families. This makes the situation worse and produces obscene stress on the families. Especially with low-income families, their students are already receiving education not equivalent to other higher class people. Low-income students already have an education gap between them and their more advantaged peers so when schooling stops for the low-income families this rises the gap making it even harder for the students to achieve the goals they desire (Akers and
Chingos). This just increases the stress that these students feel. Striking causes the families of these low-income students to lose out on opportunities they might have had during the school year. By removing strikes these students and their families would no longer have to worry about where their child was going to go during the hours that the parent or guardian had to work. This could lessen the stress on the child and parents, giving the family more focus to put somewhere else. These economic problems caused by the sudden strike from the teachers creates harmful effects on the students and their families, which could be reduced by removing the right to strike.