Name: Ibrahim Alhobayb
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Factors Affecting Creativity………………………………………………………….. 6
Stages of a Successful Problem Solving Programme…………………………………..7
CPS Framework……………………………………………………………………… 9
A critical look at creative problems facing Sony Corporation………………………..9
Application of CPS Models to Provide Solutions……………………………………12
Ways that Levels of Creativity Might be Measured & Assessed…………………….16
Creativity is the use of an original idea to create something. Businesses should encourage creativity and innovation as it ensures the future success of a company. The creative process is fundamental and should be well guided and directed. Creativity occurs on the boundary of things, where a theory meets a fact. It offers a glimpse of a new era and new possibilities. This new possibility is often misty and unclear and is usually fragmented between what one knows and what has already been discovered (Ibbotson 2008).
Alex Osborn, who is credited as being the father of brainstorming, initiated the creative process. After years of research and development, creative problem solving has evolved and can be used to develop skills and talents. Over the last fifty years, researchers have presented various methods and techniques of solving the problem of creativity. These problem solving models have been tested in various settings such as universities, high schools, organizations, and businesses (Isaksen & Treffinger, 2004).
This paper will focus on employing Creative Problem Solving models to identify and solve creativity problems facing Sony Corporation. Sony Corporation is a multinational corporation whose headquarters are in Tokyo Japan. The Corporation majors in the electronics industry with products ranging from telecommunication equipment, entertainment and photography for both professional and
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