The main features of First Generation are: * Vacuum tube technology * Unreliable * Supported Machine language only * Very costly * Generate lot of heat * Slow Input/output device * Huge size * Need of A.C. * Non portable * Consumed lot of electricity
The main features of Second Generation are: * Use of transistors * Reliable as compared to First generation computers * Smaller size as compared to First generation computers * Generate less heat as compared to First generation computers * Consumed less electricity as compared to First generation computers * Faster than first generation computers * Still very costly * A.C. needed * Support machine and assmebly languages
The main features of Third Generation are: * IC used * More reliable * Smaller size * Generate less heat * Faster * Lesser maintenance * Still costly * A.C needed * Consumed lesser electricity * Support high level language
The main features of Fourth Generation are: * VLSI technology used * Very cheap * Portable and reliable * Use of PC's * Very small size * Pipeline processing * No A.C. needed * Concept of internet was introduced * Great developments in the fields of networks * Computers became easily available
The main features of Fifth Generation are: * ULSI technology * Development of true artificial intelligence * Development of Natural language processing * Advancement in Parallel Processing * Advancement in Superconductor technology * More user friendly interfaces with multimedia features * Availability of very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rates
Mainframe computers (colloquially