Feinstein Graduate School
Mid-term Exam
A Writing Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MBA Degree
Course: HOSP 6526
Prof. Markham
Chunzi Wang
Dec 21, 2012
Question: Compare three different hotel service softwares (Hotel ServicePro, GuestWare, Oscar). What are key features and price point of each one? What are strengths of each one? With Marriott, Providence hotel condition, why they choose GuestWare as their service system interface? Do you think this is their best choice? Why?
Key features & Price
Hotel ServicePro
The software, held by Hotel SystemsPro, LLC is one of lodging’s industry most significant technology developments in past ten years. According to Hotel ServicePro (2012), It is a Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) which automates the communicating, scheduling, tracking and reporting of safety requirements, preventive maintenance, guest requests, equipment management, capital expenditure and property improvement. As it offers various solutions, I will introduce guest request solution.
1, Customize guest’s requests. Each guest is able to get customized service when they ask service department for help. The individual request will be automated recorded to the software.
2, Automated Text Messages. The guest request will be sent automatically to manager’s mobile phone if an issue is not resolved after a prescribed period of time.
3, Multi-lingual Capabilities. The software is able to process in several languages.
4, Automated MOD Alerts. The manager on duty feature allows the front desk to dispatch a request to a management team member’s mobile device.
5, Eliminate radio chatter and automated follow up alerts. There is no radio chatter to disturb the hotel’s ambiance. When a request goes unfulfilled, our system dispatches it again at the time interval of your choice, and copies the MOD (Bill, 2012).
As for the price, there is no specific