1. Explain, using an example in EACH case, the meaning of the following terms: (i) `hazard' (2) (ii) `risk' (3) 2. Outline the main components of a health and safety management system. (8) Candidates were expected to do well on this question. The expectation was sadly not realised in a large number of cases and it was disturbing to find that so many found difficulty with a question that should have been relatively straightforward for anyone who had studied the outline of a management system for health and safety.
Good answers, albeit few in number, were those that addressed the following components and highlighted the essential features of each:
• the policy to be a clear statement of intent, setting the main health and safety aims and objectives of the company;
• the organisation for health and safety to be such as to ensure the allocation of responsibility to appropriate members of staff, with the emphasis on achieving competency, control, communication and consultation;
• planning and implementing to involve risk assessment, the setting of standards and the introduction of appropriate control measures to achieve the standards;
• measuring performance by active and reactive monitoring methods;
• review and audit to check whether what was planned is actually taking place, and to consider options for improvement, setting new targets where necessary. 3. Define the term `negligence' (2) a tort involving a breach of the common law duty to take reasonable care.
4. Explain, using an example, the meaning of the term ‘risk’. (2) 5. Identify EIGHT sources of information that might usefully be consulted when developing a safe system of work. (8) Most candidates were able to secure at least a few marks in answering this question. A selection could have been made from sources such as statutory instruments, ACOPs and HSE guidance, manufacturers' information, European and other official standards, industry or trade