There are many employees that have different Health and Safety roles to uphold in businesses such as Debenhams. Some of the roles are more senior than others such as: Directors, Line Managers and different employees that have individual special roles to uphold like the Fire Marshall and the First Aider. All these roles are vital for Debenhams to have because they have to ensure the Health and Safety of their customers and employees is upheld to the highest possible standard.
Firstly, the role of a director is important because they have to make sure they have someone that can manage all aspects of the company and they can make sure they can manage all the employees and guide them to completion of a successful job. The directors have a vital role in Debenhams management of Health and Safety because they have to make sure every employee is doing the correct job and they have to make sure that they can manage their work properly. An example of a directors meeting
Another role that is vital in the Health and Safety process is the role of a line manager because it is their job to ensure all the organisations objectives are completed to a high standard. It is important for Debenhams to have a line manager because they have to make sure all their objectives are met and completed to the highest standard. Also they have to ensure they have a line manager so they can help the director complete tasks and delegate them to the correct people. It is a line manager’s job to ensure all the objectives of the company are completed and they have to make sure they work towards achieving Debenhams mission statement which is ‘Debenhams has a clear strategy to drive future profitability and grow market share. This is being achieved by increasing our sales to our existing customers, attracting new customers and moving into new markets. Debenhams is Britain's favourite department