Glossary of terms
Section 1
• Introduction
• Learner 1 Profile
• Learner 2 Profile
• What the learning theories tell you about different ways to help learners learn most effectively
• How different types of assessment help in supporting and monitoring learning and helping learners to make progress
• How applying learning and assessment theories might help you to develop and extend your current approaches to enabling and assessing learning
Section 2
• Scheme of Work
• Session Plan
• What you have taken into account when selecting the subject content and learning outcomes.
• How you are supporting/challenging different learners (differentiation).
• How you are embedding language, literacy, numeracy (and where relevant) ICT skills in the learning sessions.
• How you are using assessment to support learning and encourage learners to progress according to potential.
Section 3
• References
Glossary of terms
PTLLS Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
AVA Assessing Vocational Achievement
ICT Information, Communication, Technology
SOW Scheme of Work
SP Session Plan
C&G City and Guilds
CoP Communities of Practice
Understanding Learning and Assessing
For this assignment I will profile two learners who have both attended and passed the Combined Teacher Assessor Course that is run by the company that I work for. To enable both students to pass the course they both undertook the Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) qualification at distance learning prior to attending the five day Assessing Vocational Achievement (AVA) course.
Learner 1 Profile: Peter
Peter grew up in Barnsley and when he left school he gained employment as a coal miner where he worked as part of a crew that was responsible for the laying out of the mine.
For the last 25 years Peter worked for