Diabetes is a disease in which the body isn’t able to properly use the insulin which causes high sugar (glucose) levels. Insulin is a hormone needed to change the sugar in your body to energy for you throughout the day (Type). This would explain why one of the many signs of diabetes is tiredness, because if your body is unable to produce insulin then you wont have the energy to do much of anything. Diabetes is a disease that many people can acquire in their life or it can be received through genes. There are three types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and type 3. Type 2 is the most common diabetes. Diabetes is a hereditary disease but also one that you can receive at any point of you life if you have some of the risks …show more content…
One thing you must do when or if you find out you have diabetes would be to visit your doctor and receive some prescribed medicine, to do a daily self check of your blood sugars using a machine that simply pokes your finger and collects and inspects your blood. At every doctor’s visit it is important to get your weight and blood pressure checked because those are two very vital part of diabetes. Then every three months you should take the A1C test, and visit your diabetes care provider (American). The A1C test is simply a blood sugar test to see if you may need to regulate your blood sugars and be stable so that you don’t end up having fatigue and etc. A Diabetes Care Provider would be someone who a diabetic patient goes to and checks out what they are suppose to do and how to live with diabetes. Many people who are born with diabetes may not feel any different because they have lived a certain way their whole life so it may seem normal but then there are the people who have been diagnosed with diabetes and have to change their whole lifestyle just to live. Essentially they may need help and they can go to their diabetes care provider in order to receive that help. Finally Annually it is important for a diabetic patient to get their kidneys, eyes, feet, and meal plan checked, and take their flu shot (American). It is important for a Diabetic Patient to get their eyes, kidneys and feet checked because these are important parts that are affected by diabetes. A flu shot is important in order to stay healthy which is a major part in getting better or controlling your diabetes so that it isn’t so hard on you to maintain yourself and all that you are going