Topic: How diet and exercise are so important.
Specific Purpose: To educated my fellow classmates on how the importance of a healthy diet combined with exercise is key to longevity.
Thesis Statement: Tonight I would like to discuss how the effects of a healthy diet and exercise are so vital in our lives.
Have you ever wondered why as you get older you just don’t have that get up go like you use to. Tonight I would like to discuss how the effects of a healthy diet and exercise are so vital in our lives. As humans our bodies require all sorts of stimulation from many different aspects. We as humans are very unique and capable of doing almost anything.
I. First, I would like to talk about nutritional needs. A. Our bodies are similar to a motor in a vehicle. 1. Referring to our bodies like a motor in which if it is not properly maintained it will begin to slowly breakdown over time. 2. Most motor vehicles require to be warmed up when first started, just like our bodies first thing in the morning. 3. Most important, our bodies require fuel to burn through out the day for energy, just like a vehicle going on a long trip. 4. For our motor to run smooth and efficient our most vital fuel is water. Water is what our body needs for all internal chemical reactions to take place. 5. After water, we need carbohydrates and good complex carbs, like oatmeal, rice, noodles, and whole grains. Good carbs are usually high in fiber which helps maintain good digestive system and prevents health issues and some cancers. Other carbs are found in fruits which also contain vitamins and minerals that I will talk about later. 6. To maintain our muscular development without our body using our muscles for fuel, we need protein with all the different branched amino acid chains. Protein is also