Which one do you prefer, French fries or a tomato and spinach salad? These two types of food are carbohydrates, however the second option contains good carbs (vegetables.)
Carbohydrates (carbs) are very essential in the body, nutrionists recommend that 60% of our everyday intake should come from carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are classified into:
Sugar: This is a simple carbohydrate. Some sugars are natural while others are added to your meals.
Starch: It is a complex carbohydrate, which is slow to digest.
Fiber: This is a complex carbohydrate, which just like starch it breaks down more slowly compared to sugar.
Difference between Good Carbohydrates vs Bad Carbohydrates
Since carbohydrates are not similar, they perform differently. Some have a high increase and decrease in blood sugar levels. Such carbs have a high …show more content…
Experts refer to carbohydrates that have a high increase in blood sugar levels as “bad carbs”
On the other hand, carbohydrates with lower increase in blood sugar levels are known as “good carbs.” So, how do we differentiate the two?
The main difference between “ bad” and “good” carbs is how they are processed in the body. Simply put, the larger the amount of fiber, sugar, starch, vitamins, proteins, etc. in a certain type of food the more complex it is to break down.
Nevertheless, if a food contains large amounts of sugar than fiber, vitamins and starch, the simpler it is to break down. Hence the terms “complex” and “simple”
Bad Carb Food
Bad carbs can also be referred to as simple carbohydrates. But, why the name bad carbs? This is because, they contain small particles of sugar that are broken down and absorbed quite fast. The energy produced is known as glycogen and if not put to work immediately (exercising) it converts into fats.
Examples of Bad Carbs
• Sugar
• Pastries
• Fruit juice