What is the purpose of a DP?' Perhaps a proper defintion of digital portfolio is needed: the process of archiving student work in an electronic format with the purpose of enhancing learning.'
What types of storage media are commonly used for DPs? 'Students have been taught to create digital identities using presentation software or tools to create web pages'
Are there different types of DP’s?
"Project: The purpose of this type of portfolio is to document the steps taken along the way to a finished product.
Achievement: These portfolios use quality recent work to assess the level of student achievement at a certain point in time.
Celebration Portfolios: Students decide which work they are most proud of to include in this type of portfolio.
Growth: This is the portfolio type that we will be most concerned with here. It's purpose is to show progress toward specific learning targets. Through the use of growth portfolios, document increasing levels of achievement.'
How would a professional DP differ from a student DP?
A professional DP is all about the work of they have done, it depend on their work in their profile to get choosen a job, and student DP is that teachers and schools see what they have done in their pervious school, so they can decide if they accept him/her or not.
What materials should you include in your DP?
-your works.
What impact does a DP have on marketing an individual’s skills?
Creating a DP online will help students to improve on their work and put on the web to let others see how smart they are.