The needs for a new OHSMS for Australian Hardware are, legal compliance across jurisdictions, the safest possible workplace conditions for workers (objective: bring LTIFR and Injury Rate (IR) to 10% below national averages), integration with all other Australian Hardware management systems, operations and corporate culture to advertise and demonstrate Australian Hardware’s commitment to WHS. This Report proposes major structural changes and improvements to Australian Hardware’s WHS management over the coming years. WHS management is a critical and integral part of business and management activities. Australian Hardware is committed to open and transparent reporting of its WHS management performance. We plan to achieve significant improvements in the management and implementation of WHS management programs over the years. This Report illustrates the range of activities that need to be implemented to improve WHS across the Organisation. It also reflects the performance standards that we need to achieve. This report will be outlining those initiatives that we are going to implement to improve our WHS management performance, and ensure we are provide a safe, healthy and clean working environment for our staff.
Australian Hardware is dedicated to establishing a workplace culture that embodies a ‘Safety first’ approach in all of our activities with the ultimate aim of achieving a Zero Harm outcome for all parties. The Board of Directors and, the CEO, recognised the need for us as a company to raise the standard and provide industry leadership in Workplace Health & Safety.
The key aspects of the Australian Hardware WHSMS and our developing workplace culture is focused on the elements of “Education and Awareness” and “Hazard Identification”. We believe that we will have made significant progress towards our ultimate aim when our staff, our sub-contractors, and our customers are united in this approach.
Australian Hardware’s WHSMS is the primary