In the following paragraphs, Team C discusses the study of individual dimensions of behavior. Also we outlined brief summaries of one’s predominate behavioral style and the benefits of performing an assessment as such as the DISC Platinum Rule assessment. As most of these tend to be generalized, we will not only have a close to perfect accuracy rate, but also a self re-evaluation once strengths and weaknesses are discovered. Thus, leading us assess our agreements and lack thereof. The DISC Platinum Rule Assessment not only provide insight on who and what we are made of as individuals, but highlights out potentials and the talents we do have to offer companies or our current workplace.
Individuals working in organizations should have a basic understanding of their own behavioral style developed since childhood. Each person has different genetic predispositions and life experiences that shape our values and morals. This affects the way we interact in our daily work, social, and family environments.
The DISC Platinum Rule assessment is a tool that analyzes these behavioral styles. The assessment is broken into four main styles, dominance, interactive, steadiness, and cautious. There currently are four subcategories of each style. Dominance has director, adventurer, producer, and pioneer. Interactive style has socialize, helper, impresser, and enthusiast. Steadiness is relater, specialist, go-getter, and harmonizer. Cautious subcategories include thinker, master-minder, assessor, and perfector.
Team C had different working styles. Dominance styles focus on goal orientation and sometimes bend the rules for the best results. Challenges are always welcomed and enjoy problem-solving as well as accepting authority. Challenging others thinking or outdated thinking is quite common. The style is people-oriented and carries a relaxed