I tend to agree that if a person knows that they are getting rewarded they will more than likely to continue to have good behavior. Nothing about punishment was mentioned in this article about children who are defiant when doing this study. It did not mention what would happen if the student refused to cooperation in doing the study. Of course, in Skinner’s behavior modification on punishment in Organizational Management and Leadership he states that if punished you should as taking something away then the problem will more than likely not occur again. I tend to think this way in children if you punished them in the right way of course they will tend to repeat it again. When I was a children our punishment was getting a spanking, out parents did not worry about taking something away but the spanking was enough to remind me not to do it again. In today’s society being spanked is no longer acceptable. I do believe in discipline a child that does not mean to abuse…
Child discipline is something that we have all experienced personally in different forms, seen used on others, and is also to some degree what many of us will go on to practice later in life with our own children. Each person has their own opinion on what discipline is and how it should be used on children. The Webster dictionary defines discipline as “training to ensure proper behavior: the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior.” Nowhere in this definition does it condone physical punishment, or say you need to use harsh and malicious strategies to acquire the behavior you seek. Discipline of children should be used in a positive manner, to encourage appropriate conduct, rather than be used as reprimand and physical punishment, because discipline is meant to help teach and guide children to act properly in accordance with the rules.…
TIME magazine published an article discussing effective disciplining techniques for parents. This article was title, “Crash Course: 8 Ways to Discipline Your Kids” by Alexandra Sifferlin. Sifferlin discusses that the article is a great starting point for parents, educators, babysitters, etc who are looking for inspiration or help when punishing bad behavior in children. She reminds the reader that when punishing the child, they must immediately stop violent or dangerous behavior. However, for other behaviors the individual must create a sense of right and wrong.…
Ever went to bed and woke up in a totally different world? Or maybe a new dimension? Sometimes the world has a way of making us feel that way. I think that when a person goes to a new world everything is new, the way they are, the way they look at their culture even their perspective on life.…
Simple physical punishments; such as pinching, flicking, and spanking, are carried out on us at a very young age, and all throughout life. Our parents are here to discipline us, to teach us the difference of right and wrong. When we first misbehave, our parents might tell us to “knock it off” or “stop” and they may raise their voice when asserting these commands. We sometimes stop when told to, but sometimes we ignore their commands and keep misbehaving repeatedly. This is where physical punishment comes into play. A form of physical punishment would and will be carried out on us. At first it may be a simple punishment, but gradually the punishments intensify. Once a punishment has been carried out, many of us become cloaked in fear of punishment and from this fear we learn not to do that mistake again. Simple punishment is used for the good of children and to discipline them, “Dr. David Safir, father of five and grandfather of five, CNN asked him to talk to us about his views on spanking. He said he was spanked as a child, spanked his own children when necessary and believes the occasional use of physical punishment -- not abuse -- can be an effective tool for parents” (Zeidler) If these simple punishments are executed out…
”Don’t Spare the rod and spoil the child.” We have all heard that before, as a child I heard it a lot. I was not the most well behaved child, so I got into plenty of trouble. My mom hated my temper tantrums. When I was little, she disciplined me, and now I am a well behaved young adult who knows right from wrong. Discipline is a way of teaching a child how to do what is right while growing up. There are multiple ways to discipline a child and make him/her behave. I feel that it is very important to begin to disciplining children when they are young so they know what is expected of them.it gives them a better sense of right and wrong while growing up once a child has reached his/her teenage years it is too late to begin the discipline process. If parents begin early, I believe that the most effective ways of disciplining children are timeout, taking away privileges, talking to the child, and, as a last resort, and spanking.…
Children cannot possibly benefit from “discipline” in the form of punishment. Simply put, punishment is disrespectful treatment of a child that will result short-term cooperation but further behavior problems long-term. No child should have to endure such negative modification methods intended to humiliate them with a goal of teaching appropriate behavior. Sadly, however, some adults think they are doing what is best for the child. But what can a child possibly learn from hearing a parent say, “If you hit your brother one more time, I'm gonna spank you!” The child interprets that message as “if I hit him, then you're going to hit me.” There is no valuable lesson…
Some also try rewarding their kids for good behavior. “When a child is verbally corrected, apart from the use of any other form of punishment, the result is almost always a disaster. The child quickly learns that you are all talk and no action. A child then learns that the tongue lashing is that, just a voice. Therefore they learn how to tune you out.” (usingspakingdiscipline.com). Rewarding children for good behavior teaches them that they should only be good to get something out of it. They need to learn that they can do good deeds for the purpose of being a good person, not to get a reward. Children may also learn to behave badly to get a reward. Grounding your kids usually never work. Most parents ground their kids and forget that they have an electronic world inside their bedrooms. Sure they’d love to sit in their room all week and play their video games and play on the computer. Grounding will not work unless parents take away all…
A parent may use corporal punishment on his or her child in order to teach the child to be a specific way that would increase the child’s success and ability to survive (therefore increasing competitive advantage and chances for natural selection). Usually parents desire the success of their children and will try to teach and shape them in a way that will make them more competitive…
But in a study, mothers who combined reasoning with negative consequences had the most success in changing negative behavior. Den A. Trumbull, M.D.; president of the American College of Pediatricians believes spanking is a proven way to reinforce milder disciplinary tactics. The researchers came to a conclusion that spanking disobedient 2- to 6- year-olds worked just as well at reforming their behaviors as 13 alternative disciplinary approaches like giving a time-out, reasoning with a child, and taking away privileges. As long as the parents explains the reason for their action it should not be considered corporal punishment. "Some kids are difficult to parent. At times, they simply won't stay in a time-out and they can't be reasoned with," says Robert Larzelere, Ph.D., author of the Clinical Child review…
Your 8-year-old refuses to put away her toys. Your 11-year-old isn 't turning in his homework on time. Your 16-year-old has come home late for the third time in a row. One of the biggest challenges in raising children is providing proper discipline. Punishment sometimes comes in the form of name calling, isolating a child, or using physical force, may or may not give you immediate results. There has been increasing debate about how we can effectively discipline children - and the rights and wrongs of corporal punishment. This paper will look at (1) the change in societal views of corporal punishment of children (2) the effects of corporal punishment on children, and (3) alternatives to the use of corporal punishment on…
When children misbehave, the parent’s disciplinary actions are often seen as a form of child abuse by other. There are different ways to discipline a child that is not considered child abuse. Most parents want their child to grow up happy, healthy, and have self confidence. Parents often think that disciplining their child will cause them to lack any of these feelings, this is not true. Children need discipline, parent’s that don’t discipline their child, often times the child’s behavior will reflect on the manner of the discipline (e.g. Children that misbehave, defiant, and disrespect others).…
Yet, as Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, founder of the Child Development Unit at the Boston Children’s Hospital Medical Center, points out, “When you spank, you are not respectful of the child.” No wonder children are confused, perplexed, and bewildered. Spanking ignores the causes of the problem. For example, a child is taken to an amusement park for a day’s enjoyment. Instead of being grateful (so the parents think), the child acts up, embarrassing the parents in public. Result? The child is quickly escorted to the washroom, where it receives a spanking. But the child was “acting up” because of normal needs it had. It may have been hungry, tired, or bored. So, we punish children for being children! Sometimes it takes a little work to find the cause of a child’s “misbehavior.” If the parents are impatient, they may turn to spanking, which provides a quick, easy fix. Let’s not pretend spanking is for the child’s own good. It is not. It’s for our convenience. If spanked, the child is shortchanged, robbed of important quality time with their parent. Ironically, the more quality time is denied, the more the child will misbehave, as that is the only way it knows to get attention. I guess the moral is, we cannot correct a child’s misbehavior unless we know the cause. So, instead of hitting, let’s talk. Instead of displaying anger, let’s shower our child with love. Not very many years…
Spankings, name-calling, and yelling mothers and fathers have corrected their children this way for years. For centuries, children were considered the property of the parents. Parents were able to discipline their children in any way they saw fit. As time has progressed, the courts have taken an interest in how children are disciplined. The courts think and people who spank their children are abusing them, children should be in the care of their biological parents, and the punishment for child abuse is adequate. Society has not done enough to protect vulnerable children.…
The theory of discipline has been debated for decades. Arguments over how it should be carried out and how harsh it should be has been discussed. One aspect of discipline has been shoved into the dark, the effect on the child. No matter how much it is spoken of children remember what happened to them in their childhood. Whether they were pleasant or not can lead to problems later in life. One debate that shall soon be settled deals with the spanking of children.…