Columbus’ discoveries forced the world to change. Bythe end of the thirty year war,
European nations were beginning to impose themselves upon the rest of the inhabited world with tremendous repercussions. And a while few people except experts and some government officials knew of the sources and reasons for the changes, nevertheless from
1942 onwards, the influences of the New World were irrevocably present in world history.
“ We cannot reckon how great the damage is, since the merchants are taking every day our native, sons of the land and vassals and our relatives, because the thieves and man of bad conscience grab them wishing to have the things and wares of this kingdom which they are ambitious of.” As stated in document 5, this was a negative effect because their land is being taken and they are losing everything that they own.
“Heretics(protestants) are never said to have converted either pagans or Jews to the faith.” In document 6, they are saying that there has never really been any heretics that they have come across, they have had mostly Catholics. Hardly a handful have converted to being Heretics.
“Before the voyages to Peru, one could keep much wealth in a little place , but now that gold and silver have been cheapened by abundance , great chests are required to transport what before could be carried wrapped in a piece of drugget .”
In document 11, it is saying that the people could pretty much keep whatever they made and that there was a lot of gold of silver in 1612, and that people could keep their gold and silver. In document 7, it is showing many of the different foods that were exported to the world from the americans. The foods that were exported to the world are corn, beans (17 kinds), peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tapioca, squash, papaya, guava, pineapple, tomato, chile pepper, cocoa and then there were