Cavia porcellus
Proposed to: Ms. Maureen Jean Lara, MAIC
Prepared by: Innah Janesa C. de Peralta Geraldine T. Gekin
Bea Salvosa
Ivy Dy Ruiz
(BS Psychology 2B)
Date of Proposal: January 09, 2012 I. Project Description and General Information
Since the world of Science has evolved, the experiments of scientists and other researchers also improve and get more complicated and may sometimes sound ridiculous. In modern Psychology, specifically in studying certain behaviors, animals have become subjects of some experiments. Now, why do we use Guinea pigs or other animals like rabbits, rats, monkeys and others to conduct trainings or experiments? Well, majority of the scientists all over the world have been used to directing and conducting animal studies which have become very rampant nowadays and which serve as a field to focus on animal behavior in a variety of cross-disciplinary ways. Animals have often been used as subjects primarily because it is less expensive and it is more distant to unethical situations just like conducting physiological manipulations (to human beings) particularly brain lesions, sensory deprivations and more. Animals, especially those reared in laboratories can be easily controlled and observed which give way to the formation of more desirable data that can possibly be likened to those of the human beings.
II. Project Statement
This project will focus more about dealing with guinea pigs and getting know what it can do as well as training it to form its “cognitive map” or discovering its way out of the maze. It is expected that the trainers/students will be able to discover and grasp the behavior of the animal in order for them to get along with it easily and to successfully condition it to what it should do.
III. Project Objectives
Every experiment or proposal has its expected