Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
Amended the Race Relations Act 1976 to include a statutory duty on public bodies to promote race equality, good relations between different ethnic groups, and to demonstrate effectiveness of anti-discrimination procedures. In 2003 additional regulations also outlawed certain forms of discrimination due to religious belief.
Race Relations Act1976
Outlaws discrimination of the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic and national origin in employment, the provision of goods and services, education and public functions. Incorporates the earlier Race Relations Act 1965 and Race Relations Act 1968.
Employment Equality Regulations
Prohibited discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of sexual orientation (2003), religion or beliefs (2003), or age (2006).
Education Reform Act 1988
Introduced a national curriculum for all children, including those with special needs.
Encouraged tendency towards in-class additional support rather than special classes for those with special educational needs.
Sex Discrimination Act 1975
Outlaws discrimination on the grounds of gender or marital status in employment, education, transport and the provision of goods and services.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Amended parts of the DDA (to include education providers) and the Education Act 1996.
Outlawed education providers treating disabled children “less favourably” than others.
Institutions required to make “adjustments” (e.g. Providing aids) to prevent disabled children being disadvantaged. LEAs and schools to plan for increased access to schools for disabled pupils. All registered early years providers to have a written SEN policy, a SENCO and make arrangements for staff to participate in relevant training.
Care Standards Act 2000
Ofsted to be responsible for regulation of day care and out-of-school care. Settings required to