Before any discussion it is essential for everyone to understand the terms Equality and Diversity.
“Diversity is defined as valuing the differences in people whether they stem from race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability. Equality is offering each person equal rights and opportunities despite any differences”. (Gravells, A, 2008).
So Equality is about the rights of learners to attend and participate regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age.
And Diversity is about valuing the differences that people have and appreciating their individual characteristics.
Above all it is important as a teacher, keeping equality and diversity in mind, to find ways to promote inclusion of all learners, yet through differentiation by using difference approaches and resources, to finds ways to meet the needs of individuals within the group.
“Differentiation is one of the tools that teachers can use to promote equality and diversity. It is the accommodation of differences between learners to allow each individual the best chance of learning.” (Petty, 2004). This is could be done by adapting teaching styles or resources so that all learners receive equal opportunities.
Referring back to the teacher / training cycle, preparation and planning will enable us to best promote inclusion for all learners, and enable us to access other points of referral if necessary. During the planning process, all learners should have an initial assessment for suitability and to diagnose strengths and weaknesses. The need to potentially access other points of referral could appropriately be picked up in this initial assessment.
Learners will be diverse on the basis of many different