Children’s social care is important in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children who are in need, and in order to do this there must be a working partnership so if any concerns are raised or are thought to be act risk they are able to take action. If children are to be found to be at risk, then social workers will;
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• Interviews should be contacted with both the child and family members as well as gather information about the child and their circumstances from other agencies.
• Action must be taken in a child is thought to be in immediate danger. As well as provided support packages and help for a child and family if they need it.
There are legal and criminal services that are involved in a child’s life; police and probation services are included. Police work very closely with children’s social care workers as they play their own particular role. The polices roles include;
• Deciding whether a crime has been committed and if so, when to do a criminal investigation.
• Gathering evidence from children’s social care, and other agencies thought to be