This saying emphasizes the shift in emphasis from inspection to prevention. It has been estimated at between 15 and 20 percent of every sales dollar- the cost of reworking, scrapping, repeated service, inspections, tests, warranties and other quality related items. One fourth of all workers fix things that are not done right, which are the appraisal and internal failure cost. If the quality standards are enforced as the item is being built, appraisal, internal and external failure costs will decrease while prevention costs will increase. The rule of the thumb is that for every dollar spent in prevention, ten dollars are saved in failure and appraisal costs (Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano).
2. A typical word processing package is loaded with poka-yokes. List three. Are there any others you wish the package had?
Poka-yoke includes such things as checklists or special tooling that (1) prevents the worker from making an error that leads to a defect before starting a process or (2) gives rapid feedback of abnormalities in the process to the worker in time to correct them ( Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano).
1) When exiting the word processor, a prompt asks whether or not you want to save the document. 2) Many word processors will make backup files at various points in time. 3) Many word processors will automatically correct certain words when they are misspelled, such as “the”.
I would like the word processor to be able to automatically correct the form of the word like their, there and they’re when typing a document.
3. Discuss the purpose of and the differences between p charts, X and R charts.
P charts are control for attributes- for controlling quality characteristics that represent attributes of the product. A rule of them when setting up a p chart is to make the sample large enough to expect to count the attribute twice in each