In respect to this, America has been continually empowering its Non-commissioned officers. Anon-commissioned officer is an officer in military whose rank is not high and has not been awarded commission by higher authority. These officers are invariably promoted from the lower ranks; they include corporal, sergeant and warrant officers. Non-commissioned officer corps plays a very key role in the military missions; they train military personnel to prepare them for accomplishment of the mission plans. As well they act as leaders of military mission. Basically, non commissioned officers are charged with a responsibility to train and maintain standards within the military force teaching soldiers on good morals and discipline and ensing the safety of the soldiers.
American military officers fought in South East Asia (Vietnam) for over a period of eight years. That period was very challenging to the America soldiers; the War demanded a lot of 'technical specialist, trainers and tactical leaders' (Rush, 2006, p.24). In respect to this, the American government developed a training programme for the Non-commissioned officers that were meant to provide them with the necessary technical and leadership skills and improve their performance in the war. Amazingly, the education programme brought about success and in the subsequent years American soldiers performed exemplary; this was witnessed during the Grenada liberation in 1982, panama in 1989 and Kuwait in 1992 (p. 24).