‘’Distance Education is a learning system where the teaching behavior are separate from the learning behaviors’. The learner works alone or in a group guided by the tutor. Distance Education may combine with various forms of face-to-face meetings.”
(David et al 1984,P.9)
Wadood et al. (200,P.9) concluded that Distance Education has grown rapidly during the past years due to economic and social factors prevailing in the world. They declared the DES as effective and useful as conventional education system. They advocated the DES is quite suitable for the developing countries like Pakistan where the conventional institution can’t cope with the high birth rate.
More and more countries have turned to distance education which is now recognized as are effective supplement or complement to formal education. It has also come up, in some countries, as an independent parallel alternative system of education. for various considerations, whether they be cost effectiveness, or scale of numbers, or non-availability of or non-accessibility to formal institutions or non-availability of teachers (especially rained ones) distance education as an alternative mode has caught the attention of educational planners. It is seen as an educational system which can fulfill social need and transform elitist education to an egalitarian one.
Concept of Distance Education
The term distance education is fairly new. It denotes the forms of study not led by teachers present in a classroom but supported by tutors and an organization at a distance from the student. This allows an interpretation which equates distance education with correspondence education. The reason which the term distance education has come into being is that the word correspondence is felt to be associated exclusively with the written word, whereas usually audio-recordings and often radio, TV, telephone communication and other media nowadays supplement the written word in what is here called distance