Unit ref
Made By: Faiza Rafique
Task 1
Teaching role and responsibilities in education and training.
LLUK has identified two distinct and important teacher roles in the FE sector for which there are government regulations.
A full teacher role which represents the full range of responsibilities performed by those who are expected to attain the status of Qualified Teacher, Learning and Skills(QTLS)
An ‘associate’ teacher role which contains fewer teaching responsibilities and which will be performed by those who are expected to attain the status of Associate Teacher ,Learning and skills(ATLS). Teacher roles …show more content…
You should be aware of the limits of your responsibility and know when and where to access support both for yourself and your learners.
If you have a line manager, he or she should be your first point of contact for referral. If you have team meetings or contact with other teachers, your colleagues may also be able to help through their own previous experiences.
Support may be available in your own organisation, through a learning support department or from Skills for Life specialists. Some organisations have specialist resources for supporting disabled learners or may be able to provide a learning support assistant.
It may be appropriate to refer a learner for an Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) session either within your own organisation or to an external organisation. Have a look at this report: http://www.lifelonglearning.co.uk/iag/npfreport.pdf
Many of the voluntary and charitable organisations have websites with advice about teaching strategies to support people with sensory or physical disabilities or may be able to supply resources.
Points of referral will differ according to the type of organisation you work in; it is your responsibility to find out what support is available locally.
Task 2(under …show more content…
They shouldn 't get involved in areas outside their expertise. They should refer the matter to the appropriate person or department that has the skills.
Boundaries of a teacher include:
Making telephone calls to learners but not harassing them. (For example you can call your student once if he was absent, but calling him ten times would be inappropriate.) Getting overfriendly with learners and getting personal with learners.(For example joining learners on social websites.) Getting emotionally involved.
Teacher should always keep contact only on a professional level. We should avoid touching students inappropriately and showing more attention to some students than the others. We need to remain in control, fair and ethical with all students. We shouldn’t demonstrate any favoritism towards any particular students.
Petty G (1998), Teaching Today, Nelson Thornes.
Reisenberger A & Dadzie S (2002), Equality and diversity in adult and community learning – a guide for managers, Niace Available at: http://www.excellencegateway.org.uk/pdf/A1181.pdf
DES (2002), Success for All, Available