Sandra Scott
October 14, 2012
Rodney Cullifer
Diversity in the United States
We are brought up to believe that America is and has always been a nation of opportunity, home of the brave, and the land of the free. But anyone with a basic understanding of American history is aware that this is not the case. The first settlers had to fight be gain a foothold in this country and then their freedom from Britain. African Americans then had to fight for their freedom from the bondages of slavery. Minorities as a whole had to fight for the opportunity to seek out opportunity. Some may argue this was a long time ago, however minorities are in school the glass ceiling is cracking, and white Americans are no longer the majority of the population. You still cannot forget that the fight for civil rights and equality for all races was only about forty years ago. While many things have changed some things are still the same. As Americans if we hope to keep improving diversity and increasing ethnic pluralism in our communities it is imperative that we understand and identify the weaknesses and strengths of the current social climate. I’ve learned that diversity in the United States has been working to get stronger through programs to give minorities a fair chance to stand on equal ground with those who have better educational and work opportunities, such as affirmative action programs. At first I thought that these programs were just for African Americans. As I’ve gained a better understanding of these programs I now know that they apply to all minorities and women. This is a good thing because for a long time educational opportunities were limited for minorities. And for those who earned their spots in higher education they were few and isolated on a campus. And afterwards it was a struggle to find gainful employment, let alone be able to work in a diverse workplace. Now with it being mandated by most higher learning
References: Ajinkya, J. (). Center For American Progress. Retrieved from Lester, P. M., & Ross, S. D. (2003). Images That Injure: Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media . : Greenwood Publishing Group. Passel, J. (). Pew Research Center. Retrieved from population-projections-2005-2050/ Policy Alert. (). Retrieved from f1.shtml U.S. top court justices challenge university race policy. (). Retrieved from