Patricia Wooley
February 3, 2014
Merrill Mayper
Diversity in the Workplace Richter (2011), Diversity in and of itself is neither a good nor a bad thing. It’s what we do with it that renders its quality. (para. 1). I believe that as a manger you should always be diverse when communicating to your employees. Diversity is showing a great deal of variety; very different. When you are communicating with your employees you must realize that everyone is different. This is why you have to communicate by different aspects to “get through” to each person. Many managers in many organizations are very unaware of the unlikeliness of diversity within their organization.
Along with diversity in communication there also must be diversity in the organization’s climate. Organization climate is a set of properties of the work environment, perceived directly or indirectly by the employees, that is assumed to be a major force in influencing employee behavior. ("Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia", 2013). In my organization, our corporate entity, developed a Cultural Team. We have one hundred sixty stores in our division, and this team was mandatory in each store. It is a team made up of approximately ten to fifteen store employees. This team is to be a communication byway between the employee and management. The team is designed to develop events within each store to enhance employee morale. In my store we have adopted the idea of the Make a Wish Foundation. We conduct fund raisers, carnivals, cookouts, and holiday events that require help of all store employees and management. This interacts all employees with different cultural ideas. Not only does the team boost employee morale, it also helps management conduct business. The team helps management enforce policies in a manner to which all employees can adapt to. I believe that this team is a valuable asset to our organization.
Our Cultural Team not only helps with existing employees, it also