At a recent visit to your primary care physician, you had a cholesterol test. A few days after the visit, the clinic sends you a copy of the cholesterol test results. However, you are unsure how to interpret the results. You would like to find out more about cholesterol test result using the MEDLINE PLUS web site. Specifically, you would like to know:
What is the difference between HDL and LDL?
What is a “good” result for a cholesterol test?
What can you do to lower your cholesterol level?
Go: Acquire information about interpreting cholesterol test results, different types of cholesterol and how lower cholesterol levels.
SG: Go to MEDLINE PLUS website to find information.
AT: Open internet browser, type MEDLINE PLUS in Search …show more content…
PP: Internet connection is lost
PP: Homepage is being maintained.
SG: Determine the difference between HDL and LDL.
AT: Type “cholesterol” In the search bar on the MEDLINE PLUS homepage.
SR: Website loads a page with refine by type, a summary, and the top ten results of search.
AT: Scroll down to results and click on first result
SR: Webpage with information about Cholesterol is loaded.
AT: Scroll down to “Specific Conditions” and click on Good Vs. Bad Cholesterol.
PP: Website may be removed.
PP: Link is non-functional.
PP: Website may have changed layout
SR: Website loads article on Good vs. Bad Cholesterol.
AT: User scrolls through, and reads article.
SR: User knows the difference between good and bad cholesterol.
SG: Find information on a “good” result for a cholesterol test.
AT: User returns to the MEDLINE PLUS homepage.
SR: Browser returns to, and re-loads MEDLINE PLUS homepage.
AT: User types “Cholesterol” in the search bar.
SR: Website loads a page with refine by type, a summary, and the top ten results of search.
AT: Scroll down to the first result titled Cholesterol.
SR: Website loads a summary of cholesterol.
AT: User scrolls down to “Start Here” and clicks on About