The primary goal of a website is to provide current and accurate information regarding the subject in a logical and entertaining way. This website is an advertisement for the City, providing a forum for community awareness and a go-to source of educational, entertainment and travel information. In addition, it will also be used to communicate the business of the City and provide resources to the latest agricultural news.
To build a best-in-class website for the City of Kelsey, a review of the dynamics of the City’s general population must be completed.
The City of Kelsey is a community of 625,233 situated primarily in an agricultural area, with a focus on being earth-friendly. The population growth rate year is less than 2% year over year. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the majority of the community is comprised of individuals between 16 and 54 years of age, with a high school diploma, and an annual salary of $35,000 or less per year and a large majority living under the poverty level. (U.S. Census, 2000)
Current Website Understanding that the attention span of the general population is limited to 10-20 seconds per page, entering the City’s website to a long text file does not encourage further reading. The site could be managed in a more entertaining fashion to provide a fresh experience and generate excitement.
When first entering the website, the colors used