When researching a topic on the internet we find that different Websites can be aimed toward specific audiences. “Besides identifying the primary and secondary audiences in a general way, you also need to understand your relationship with everyone involved” (Gurak & Lannon, pg. 53). This helps to determine the outline and formality of what will be stated in the site.
When using the search term “hypertension”, I found two websites that were aimed at different primary audiences. The primary audience for mayoclinic.org is focused towards healthcare professionals and can help them use words and explanations …show more content…
The emedicine.medscape website is very descriptive and detail oriented. It explains topics that require a specific educational background to understand what is being stated and the conclusion of how it is determined. It explains the pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology in different countries, and prognosis. It states statistical data on the cause as well as the treatment of hypertension. The mayoclinic website gives a definition of hypertension as well as symptoms, risk factors, treatment, and complications of hypertension. All of these are described using easy to understand descriptions and examples. The website also has links throughout the article that you can click on that describes a condition or side effect more thoroughly on a different …show more content…
It shows different news and articles aimed towards physician on new medical research and trials that are occurring. They can click on the link and read the new research. The mayoclinic Website has adds throughout their page about various medications. The add displays two different links, one for prescribing information and one for patient product information. It is set up for either audiences to have access to the drug description.
The emedicine.medscape site is the only one that uses a figure and table. A figure is used to give a thorough description and visualization of how hypertension can affect the body. A table is provided to demonstrate different ethnic groups and how many have hypertension and other cardiac disease related to hypertension. It further explains age groups as well. This helps group the data into an easily read chart for the reader to get a clear view and to be able to compare and contrast what is being