Packaging and sub–packaging for SSP material will be performed as follows:
a. Process Packing – Material will be processed packed when required. Process packing shall be in accordance with MIL–STD–2073–1D and other relevant program specific packaging instructions.
b. General Packing – The following provides the process for general shipments:
NOTE: Packaging of specific SWS repairables shall be in accordance with NAVICPINST 4030.4N.
1. Prepare the required unit container (box, bag, etc.), including sub–packaging if required, suitable for the material and in accordance with requirements for shipment.
NOTE: Items too large or difficult to package at Bldg. 3210 shall be transferred with required documentation and …show more content…
Prepare the outer unit container identification labels as required.
NOTE: Refer to MIL–STD–129 for guidelines for marking packages for shipment.
4. Place material in a shipping container and place copies of the DD Form 1149 inside and outside the container as required by customer/project.
4.4 Material Movement to DLA
The following actions are required for transfer and movement of material to DLA P&P:
Note: Material Manager shall ensure all material has been removed from N–ERP with the proper documentation before a DD Form 1149 is processed and material is removed from the warehouse.
a. SSP warehouse personnel shall transport the shipment to Bldg. 41 P&P with required documentation. For large items, a PW truck may move the material to Bldg. 41 P&P for shipment.
b. The Material Manager shall place a copy of the DD Form 1149 in an "open shipments to P&P” file.
c. After verifying the shipment confirmation in ERP, the Material Manager shall forward the shipment confirmation and tracking information to the requestor(s).
d. After the completion of each shipment the Material Manager shall print a final copy of the DD Form 1149, file the final copy in the permanent file, and dispose of the copy in the “open shipments to P&P”