Returning back to clove oil, which is used in this experiment, this oil is extracted from a small evergreen tree called Syzygium aromaticum that is found in Indonesia, Madagascar, and Zanzibar. Clove oil consists of an essential oil which is a volatile mixture of water-insoluble components that releases an odor and other characteristic of the plant. In this experiment we abstracted the major component of clove oil by codistillation with water through steam distillation and dichloromethane extractions. Also, IR spectrometry was used to identify the unknown constituent. An IR spectrum shows the characteristic…
In this experiment, the essential oil eugenol (the main component of oil of cloves) will be isolated from whole cloves using the technique of simple distillation, which is often used to isolate liquid natural products from plants. The mixture of whole cloves and distilled water will then be heated to boiling and the distillate (a eugenol/water mixture) will be collected. The eugenol will then be separated from the water by extraction with pentane. The pentane solutions will then be dried over magnesium sulfate, remove the magnesium sulfate by vacuum filtration and remove the pentane from the filtrate by evaporation on a water bath in the hood. The percent recovery from cloves will be determined and the product will be analyzed by transmission infrared spectroscopy (IR).…
Essential oils are extracted from plants, trees and fruits and usually have a particular fragrance. Often they have medicinal or soothing effects that are included in homeopathic remedies - tea tree oil for example is extracted from an Australian plant that was originally used by aboriginals for healing purposes. Eucalyptus is often used in decongestants to clear the sinuses, and could be put to use in an aromatherapy candle for someone suffering from a cold or flu.…
Aromatherapy- The practice of using essential oils to advance relaxation from the sense of smell. This method usually use in many types of body work as a supportive relaxation method.…
In this article we will discuss how essential oils for shingles can help you or your loved ones. Within the last month, I have known three people that have come down with the dreadful disease known as shingles. I had much empathy for them, as I was a shingles sufferer myself several years ago. Even though it was a long time ago, I remember the pain like no other, and I remember the pain lasting for a very long time.…
The use of essential oils began in the nineteenth century being used as flavour and aroma enhancers and quickly became popular. Since then they have become widespread over several industries pharmaceutical, cosmetic, medicinal and in food. There are 300 of the 3,000 different essential oils known being used commercially. As the synthetic preservatives became widely used because of their cheap production and relentless antimicrobial activity the use of essential oils as preservatives became less common and less studied. Nowadays synthetic preservatives such as parabens are frowned upon their use and products containing them will not be bought for fear of their health issues. The over use of antibiotics has led to microbial resistance against…
The aim is to give the air a specific fragrance or to disinfect it. Direct inhalation is where the person breathes the evaporating oils straight in which is commonly used for respiratory disinfection, decongestion and psychological benefits. Topical applications are applied to the skin through massage, baths and therapeutic skin care. Aromatherapy is commonly used for; Anxiety, stress, insomnia, aches, circulation/digestive problems, depression and menstrual/menopausal problems. A study found that women who suffered with depression had their sense of smell affected. It added that women who received aromatherapy and suffer from depression benefitted from the treatment. Popular aromatherapy products include; Basil used to sharpen the concentration, bergamot said to be useful for urinary tract, black pepper for stimulating circulation, clove oil is a painkiller commonly used for toothache but can be used as a antiemetic, eucalyptus often used for relief of the airways, geranium oil commonly used as a diuretic, jasmine said to have aphrodisiac qualities, lavender as relaxation, lemon oil used to give a person a mood lift and thyme oil to help fatigue and nervousness. As an aroma therapist, you would need good communication skills for working with clients. You would also need the ability to understand the properties of a wide range of essential oils. To practise as an aroma therapist, you will need insurance and membership of a professional body. To join a professional body, you will usually need to complete a course which meets the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Aromatherapy. The International Federation of Aroma therapists ensure all checks are completed and that an individual has met all requirements before becoming a therapist. An aroma therapist will have a holistic approach-the whole person is treated. However there are risks associated…
Aromatherapy can alter one’s mood, cognitive, and physical well-being. Aromatherapy uses aromatic plant extracts and essential oils to promote wellness and healing. Some of the common therapeutic uses include tea tree for bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Peppermint is for headaches, fever, nausea, and fatigue. Lavender relieves minor burns, insomnia, pain, and wounds. Other oils are…
Perfumes made of roses, violets, lillies herbs used ointments and oils to mix = for todays equivalent of aromatherapy (healing and therapeutic properties of plants and herbs) Baths, for keeping away disease and to cure diseases. Bathe in waters infused with perfumes, aromatic oils – much like our use of essential…
Transition: Although aromatherapy is not an all mighty “cure all”, it is agreed upon by many that aroma’s inhaled have an effect on the way thoughts are processed in our brains. Therefore, the first benefit of aromatherapy is that it helps to build stronger immune systems. II. Aromatherapy can help build stronger immune systems. A. The power of oils can help symptoms of the common viral infections. 1. According to Kathi Keville, director of the American Herb Association writes that essential oils have the ability to both support the immune system and increase one’s rate of healing (Keville). Aromatherapy is also great for immune system because it encourages new production of corpuscles, which are part of the body’s immune defense against a cold. 2. Lymphatic massage can also be used with oils to build tolerance against minor aches from the common cold. Keville explains that the lymphatic system moves cellular fluid through the system, cleansing the body of waste that is produced by the body’s…
Aromatherapy uses essential oils in order to help heal every aspect of the patient (mind, body and soul), it is based on olfactory stimuli and there are specialized olfactory cells that work to connect odors instantly with the brain (Fontaine, 95). The provider can use an array of essential oils from multiple plants,flowers and fruits. The different oils are supposed to provide a different healing effect ranging from, sedation and alertness to decongestion and anti-inflammatory. These above effects tend to be helpful for patients who have sleeping disorders or other problems such as sinus issues or chronic inflammation. I have found many articles/studies that discuss and support the use of aromatherapy as a CAM method of…
An Essential oil is the fluids from a plant in which it take on the odor and/or taste of the plant one extracts it from. Essential oils have been used through out history dating back to the bible, but had gone cold until 1928 when a French chemist by the name of Rene-Maurice Gattefosse had accidentally burned his hand severely while working. He plunged his hand into the nearest container which happened to be lavender oil instead of Water. To his surprise, his hand did not have any burn scars to be seen. This “ Re-discovery” has opened doors to thousands of uses of essential oils.…
In this study the effect of Fish oil on memory will be examined. For this study sixty participants will be randomly assigned to take fish oil while the others will not take it. There has been several studies conducted such Cristianos (2013) which concluded that fish oil provides memory recovery after cerebral ischemia in rats. It is predicated that fish oil will have an effect on…
Persons who use aromatherapy for themselves and know the advantages they receive should think about aromatherapy for dogs for troublesome problems your pet displays. The use of essential oil is a fantastic way to bring holistic healing into your animal's life, helping them remain healthy while utilizing products that are earth-friendly and safe for your pets. Always get the services of an aromatherapy health professional for more in-depth diagnosis and treatment of graver medical…
Essential oils have numerous health benefits and they are used for many purposes. These oils are beneficial for your overall health and well being as well as for household purposes.…