Izzy Nahorodny
Do other planets in our solar system actually have the criteria to make them habitable if earth becomes unfit for life? The planets around the universe are called Exoplanets. (Clavin) a habitable planet needs water and oxygen, along with natural resources, though this is for the first start of life. If we needed to leave for some reason, the main things would have to be oxygen and water. We would need to bring our supplies, or find a planet with them. To choose a livable planet, you need to look into where a planets’ habitable zone starts and stops. (Hall, 2013) With this, you can show how many living beings can fit in this area on that specific planet.
The planets orbiting our sun are not exactly fit for life except earth. Mars, fairly cold at times, could be okay, and studies show that water has been on Mars at one time. Our worlds best bet were to search for Exoplanets. (Clavin) Obviously, if our earth was created with life, surely other planets in the universe would be too. The question is, where? …show more content…
Our technology at this time can get us to many other planets, except the time it takes can be decades long. Technology today is great for close by planets or our moon. Sadly, it would take a very long time to go outside of our solar system. That is definitely a problem because so many more planets are out there, and they may be