Relationships in our family represent personal and emotional bonds. We spend a significant amount of time together, allowing each member to support, comfort and encourage one another.…
“We are pairing the most brilliant minds in medicine with the most brilliant minds in technology. We are going to take out the middleman. We are going to get stuff done.” These are the words that tech billionaire, James Bell, says to his newest recruit on the television medical drama, Pure Genius. The show, while only lasting thirteen episodes, shows a unique perspective of modern medicine. It opens viewers’ eyes and exposes them to what doctors and researchers are currently developing today. Everything displayed in this show, whether medical devices or procedures, are all currently in the works to be used in the near future. They are either in early phases of research, just patented, currently being used in trials or just about to be used in medical facilities. This show is educational while also containing dynamic characters and actors that keep viewers intrigued. Pure Genius, although short-lived, is worth watching for numerous reasons.…
I will be a great addition to National Honor Society because over the years of growing up I believe I have shown actions of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. I would like to be more engaged at school by performing different service projects as well as hours in helping out our community. As an international student at DCIS, I’ve learned valuable knowledge and experienced different cultural diversity throughout the years. This has helped me to become an independent and responsible individual.…
National Honor Society values Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Community Service. Compose an essay in which you explain why you should be inducted into your school's National Honor Society. How do you demonstrate and incorporate these values into your life?…
Please accept the following essay with my thoughts on the NHS principles: Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character as my expressed interest and excitement in Romeoville High School’s National Honor Society.…
When I researched the role of Physician Assistant it stated “Physician Assistants take patients histories, perform routine diagnostic studies, assist in emergency medicine, monitor patient progress and manage therapeutic plans”. ( ) What this description does not tell you is that you have to have a desire and love for people. You must always put their best interests forward. Whether they are at their best or worst health of their life. You must always have a positive attitude and promote the best outcomes for the people/patients that are in your care. Those are attributes that can not be taught, that has to live inside of you.…
Leadership is one of the core values a member of the National Honor Society must have. A true leader sets goals and works to achieve them. I believe that I show leadership in all things I do. In sports I am very vocal and give positive encouragement to my teammates. In middle school I stepped out of my comfort zone by running for student council and campaigning against many of my fellow classmates. While I was not be privileged with a spot on student council it forced me to work harder and achieve a spot on the National Junior Honor Society my eighth grade year where I worked with my classmates in planning school functions.…
My family encompasses such a multitude of strengths, that it’s difficult to pinpoint which ones bring about the most positivity. Personally, I would argue that loyalty is the quintessential strength within my family. Each of us knows our family members will always look out for us and provide whatever they can to enhance our own sense of happiness. My family also spends gargantuan levels of time together. Without spending this quality time together, we’d have no way of furthering, strengthening, and maintaining our relationships with one another. If you’re not willing to take an interest in your family members lives and vice-versa, there’s no chance of establishing a strong relationship with one another. More specifically, within my family, I maintain relationships using different strengths with different members. For example, my mom has always shown the utmost respect towards honesty. No matter what I’ve done, as long as I’m honest with her, our relationship stays strong. My sister on…
Being accepted into The National Honor Society would be such an apt opportunity, as well as a privilege. By presenting myself as a member of this prestigious society I aim to also service my community and exemplify myself as a student. I have worked extremely hard to maintain my grades at an “A” and above average for all my scholar life. I have mostly succeeded up until my freshmen year. For personal reasons my average dropped greatly, but as you can probably check I’ve made remarkable improvements and will continue to do so. My long-term life goal is to better myself as much as possible and become a respected member in society. I believe that if allowed the opportunity I will give my greatest efforts into trying to maintain this society’s legacy and reputation. Considering my two older siblings have been members in NHS I think I’m well informed of the goals this organization aims to hold. The fact that I could be a third generation member has motivated me tremendously to try and improve my chances by becoming even more studious and involved in school activities. I would exemplify this organization by always servicing other’s needs before my own while still maintain my exemplary leadership qualities. Being in JROTC for two years has taught me many attributes which would, in time, prove to be very useful for NHS. If I’m allowed to enter I will continue to strengthen my skills for my own well-being as well as my community’s well-being.…
on a job is quite simply learning job duties other than those you were specifically hired to perform. For example, if you are hired as a back office Medical Assistant, you will generally be expected to be able to perform front office Medical Assistant duties such as scheduling patients, calling and confirming appointments, copying files, faxing reports, referrals, and prescriptions. Basically, within the scope of your profession, it is an enormous asset to be able to perform many functions within a medical facility, especially a smaller one. People get sick, take vacations, and leave for new employment regularly, which can result in duties that are usually done by that person needing to be handled by other staff members lest…
People’s action will display their true intentions. The Actions of my family have changed in such a way that is hard for me to believe. Those few who are very close, but not blood relatives, I still consider family. This is important…
A fundamental aspect of intricate kinship, loyalty within a friendship is a driving force and foundation on which a relationship is constructed, developed, and corrupted. Compelling closeness and loyalty provide the soul with an unmatched unity and comfort in life, and serve as an integral component of one’s intensely intrinsic commitment to another. The deep attachment and relentless devotion associated with such an awareness of fealty can lead to both regrettable and rewarding circumstances.…
Family and the profound obligation of friendship likewise participate in building the ethical perspective in a hero's character. This excites the readers significantly along side the many grisly ruthless slaughtering scenes all throughout the book. In the scene where Priam takes a payment to request Hector's body back for a proper burial, the readers can witness another side in Achilles' conduct that never plays out: full of genuine consideration and sensitivity.…
is sweeping people off their feet into the magical world of the Doctor and his…
A desirable trait to look for when deciding a profession is the ability to help others. As a doctor, this opportunity presents itself repeatedly. Doctors, after their extensive training, enjoy financial security with good salaries and a comfortable life style. Lastly, doctors are always needed and there are increasing job opportunities worldwide.…