Ethic and the Information Age
Does Social Media Cause Psychological Problems ?
In the information world where social media Web sites had become part of almost everybody’s lives, disseminating personal information had become easy and larger in terms of scope and scale and anybody who has access to the internet can easily do so. Anybody who has access to this social media website can reveal news of engagements and breakups, job gains and losses, or even news of life and death; it's easy to become overwhelmed especially when you need to keep up with friends and families from a distance or in a different geographical location.
Social media comes in many forms including blogs and micro-blogs, forums and message boards, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds, social bookmarking, tagging and news, writing communities, digital storytelling and scrapbooking, and data, content, image and video sharing, podcast portals, and collective intelligence. All of these forms makes majority of individuals keep up with technology and be a part of the information hi-way.
Since social media website becomes part of the majority of individual’s life, there is an enormous amount of studies that has been made to identify the benefit of utilizing social media. An example of this study is the one made by Maurizio Mauri, Ph.D., Pietro Cipresso, Ph.D., Anna Balgera, M.A., Marco Villamira, Ph.D., M.D., and Giuseppe Riva, Ph.D. and made an article titled “Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking” and in the article it stated that the use of social media website can have a positive and negative effect on the individual; however, the increasing use of social media website reveal that people continue to use this because they have a positive experience when they use them.
A study made by Researcher Jeffrey Hancock at Cornell University revealed that one positive effect of using a social media website is the boost of self esteem since majority of people choose