School of Arts and Social Sciences
Unit Code: COM10295
Unit Name: Written Communication
Assignment Number: 2
Name: Lisa Connelly
Student Number: 21918579
Submission Date: 25/3/2011
I have read and understand the Rules Relating to Awards (Rule 3.17) as contained in the University Handbook. I understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules.
Signature: (submitting your assignment online is equivalent to signing this form)
A critical evaluation of “Does the Internet make you Dumber?” (Nicholas Carr June 5, 2010)
Is the internet making you dumber? According to Nicolas Carr, the answer is yes. Carr addresses in his article the impact of the plethora of information the internet provides its users and the impact it has on the way we subsequently think. Carr’s theory is the overload of information is proving to be more distracting than useful, with the result being a subsequent negative effect on our intellect.
Carr suggests that due to all the choices and distractions the internet provides its user whilst searching for information, it ‘turns us back to our native state of distractedness’(Carr 2010, p. w1). Carr feels that due to the constant quick thinking skills that the internet demands us to have; we are loosing our higher order cognitive abilities gained from focused reading such as from a book. Our ability to think in a creative and reflective way is diminishing. Carr feels the automatic way of thinking means we are ‘loosing our mental discipline’ (Carr 2010, p. w1).
Carr refers to the experiments conducted at universities and scientific discoveries to back up his claims with evidence. A psychologist, Patricia Greenfield has reviewed studies in our cognitive abilities from which Carr claims demonstrates we are becoming “shallower” (Carr 2010, p. w1). Carr refers to two specific examples. An experiment at Cornwell University, this
References: Carr, N 2010, ‘Does the internet make you dumber?, The Wall Street Journal p W1