Almost 40% of Americans live in a city where they need dog parks. That is a high demand. Dogs need to socialize. Getting along with other animals and people is good for the dog. It sometimes lessens the rate of reports on dog attacks. It also may be good for the animal to get off its leash and learn its surroundings. If not, in some cases, they become disobedient and develop behavioral problems. A lot of animals are left at shelters for
these reasons.
Some citizens are totally against having these public dogs parks. In their opinion, it would be a burden on them as taxpayers. A project like such can cost $70,000 just for the fencing. That is a lot of citizens tax money being spent, especially if they don't have a dog to make use of the park.
Dog parks has its pros and its cons. However, I believe they can be a great place for the city. Both the owner and the dog can enjoy the outdoors and get excerise at the same time. The dog can learn to adjust to other people and that may give it a slim chance of being a part of the other dogs who are being dropped off at shelters. Americans need to consider how their behavior may affect the dogs behavior.