The issue of violence is more severe in these communities because many of the wives and children stay with their abuser or do not inform leaders of abuse because of religious beliefs and fear of divorce and suffering. The Orthodox Jewish Community even encourages against turning in abuse reports, which is a severe effect on these victims. Although the Orthodox Community shows many signs of silent support of these actions, many other communities are reaching out against the silence to encourage education and prevention of the violence in the communities. Violence in the Jewish Community has a long history with both child sex abuse as well as domestic violence with woman. One of the largest forms of abuse in the Orthodox Jewish Community is child sex abuse. Because of being abused as a child, studies indicate that the likelihood of both suicide and attempted suicide are greater than those who are not abused as children. (“Child”). Although psychologists deeply involved in these communities are trying to create prevention and treatment options, because of these studies above, many of these cases and actions continue to be ignored. “According to a July 2011 report from the New York Post, sexual abuse victims in some of New York’s Jewish communities have been routinely discouraged by rabbis from making reports from making reports to criminal authorities (“Child”). Because of the encouragement to not reporting this activity, children then get the idea that it is okay to be treated in this manner, and then could grow up and follow in their abusers footsteps. Other effects of child sex abuse include:
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