When it comes to pizza, everyone has an opin ion . Some of us think th at our current pizza is just fine the way it is. Others h ave a favorite pizza joint th at makes it like no on e else. And m any pizza lovers in America agreed up until recentl y that Dom ino 's home-delivered pizza was amo ng the worst. The home-delivery market for pizza cha ins in th e United States is approximat ely $15 billion per year. Domino's, which owns th e largest home-delivery market share of any U.s . pizza chain, is find ing ways to innovate by overhauling its in-store transaction processing systems and by providing other us eful services to customers, su ch as its Pizza Tracker. And more important, Dom ino's is try ing very h ard to overcome its rep utation for poor quality by radi cally improving ingred ient s an d fresh ne ss. Critics b elieve the company sign ificantly im proved the qu ality of its pizza and cus tomer service in 2010. Domino's was founded in 1960 by Tom Mon agh an and h is brother James wh en th ey purchased a single pizza store in Ypsilan ti, Michigan. The company slowly began to grow, and by 1978, Domino's h ad 200 stores. Today, th e compa ny is h eadquartered in Ann Arbor, Mich igan, and operates alm ost 9,000 store s located in all 50 U.S. states and across th e world in 60 international markets. In 2009, Dom ino's h ad $1.5 bill ion in sales and ea rned $80 million in profit. Domino's is part of a heate d battle am ong promi n ent pizza chains, incl uding Pizza Hut, Pap a John's, and Little Caesar. Pizza Hut is th e only chain larger th an Domino's in the U.S., but each of th e four h as significant m ar ket sh are. Domin o's also compe tes with local pizza stores througho ut th e U.S. To gain a com pe titive advantage Domino 's n eeds to deliv er excell ent customer service, an d m ost importantly, good pizza. But it als o b enefits from hi ghly effective in formation systems.