Having read his executive order regarding the immigration of refugees and people from certain Muslim-majority nations, it clearly states, he is temporary denying the entry of Muslim people from entering the Unites States, having compared it to what he says at the recent prayer breakfast is a perfect example of this as President Trump states " I want to express clearly today to the American people that my administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in their land. America must forever remain a tolerant society where all faiths are respected and where all of our citizens can feel safe and secure." which is a direct contradiction to his executive order as Neal Katyal, a former member of the Barak Obama administration states, " Nothing extends as far as what the president has done. This is religious discrimination. And here’s what the Supreme Court has said about that — quote — “The clearest command of the First Amendment is that one religious denomination can’t be officially preferred to another.” This executive order prefers Christians to Muslims. You have got it. The president himself said so contemporaneously when he issued the executive order to the Christian Broadcast Network. This is just un-American and unconstitutional." I agree completely with Katyal, it is violating the
Having read his executive order regarding the immigration of refugees and people from certain Muslim-majority nations, it clearly states, he is temporary denying the entry of Muslim people from entering the Unites States, having compared it to what he says at the recent prayer breakfast is a perfect example of this as President Trump states " I want to express clearly today to the American people that my administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in their land. America must forever remain a tolerant society where all faiths are respected and where all of our citizens can feel safe and secure." which is a direct contradiction to his executive order as Neal Katyal, a former member of the Barak Obama administration states, " Nothing extends as far as what the president has done. This is religious discrimination. And here’s what the Supreme Court has said about that — quote — “The clearest command of the First Amendment is that one religious denomination can’t be officially preferred to another.” This executive order prefers Christians to Muslims. You have got it. The president himself said so contemporaneously when he issued the executive order to the Christian Broadcast Network. This is just un-American and unconstitutional." I agree completely with Katyal, it is violating the