Donald Trump is wearing a suit and tie. As president he would be dressed extremely nicely and look official. I made it that because watching any presidential speech they are always wearing a suit. He is wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. This is for the benefit of the audience. It easily identifies him as Donald Trump and shows his message. Looking up past videos of him at his rally’s, he has on multiple occasions worn the hat throughout his speeches. It also makes the audience question the …show more content…
meaning of making America great. The play is about the finishing of the wall to separate the United States from Mexico, and is that really making America great?
Next is his advisor, who is also wearing a suit and tie. As an advisor to the president he is a very important person and should dress for the occasion. He is should be holding a binder stuffed with notes to show he is someone who’s job it is to keep track of things. It will be kind of messy to show that there is a lot going on and he is having trouble keeping up with everything going on.
The Average Joe who is in charge of the building of the wall.
Since he is in charge he dressed nicer, although not a suit and tie nice. This is to make him seem more relatable to the average person as he will be dressed more business casual, which is what a lot of people wear to work. He is not supposed to look like an upper class individual. He is holding a rolled up piece of paper meant to represent blue prints. He also has on a construction hat to show the audience that he is involved with the construction of the wall. Through research I found that this is similar to what architects to would wear to a work site.
Last is the reporter. She is dressed nicer since this is an event with president and she is a professional. It also makes her look like she is associated with a nice newspaper. She has out a notepad and is taking notes. This is to show she is preparing for an article and there is a reason for her questions. She is also wearing a press pass to make it more. Reporters typically wear press passes to all events they go to in order to show who they are. This also shows the audience who she
is. The effect of all this is to make the characters in the play look as realistic as possible. Also it shows who each character is to not confuse the audience. My group agreed on each of these costumes. In order to get this done someone has to make a press pass out of materials that they had. Someone also had to secure a “Make America Great Again” hat since none of us had one. I am contributing the rest of the costumes besides the clothes, which people are wearing from what they have.