Because this behavior is such a social norm, teenagers can get caught up in creating another world inside their phones; a world where self-esteem is created by likes and positive stimuli. According to an article from Pennsylvania State University, “An individual will post photos that are outside their character just to seek approval through likes from their peers.” The article then goes on. “This may boost an individual’s self-esteem temporarily, but once he or she logs off social media their self-esteem really hasn’t improved” (Penn State). This quotation accurately describes the “epidemic” that social media has on teenagers. They crave attention, but the release of dopamine that comes with the positive attention is only temporary, causing them to crave it again and again, leading to a false sense of
Because this behavior is such a social norm, teenagers can get caught up in creating another world inside their phones; a world where self-esteem is created by likes and positive stimuli. According to an article from Pennsylvania State University, “An individual will post photos that are outside their character just to seek approval through likes from their peers.” The article then goes on. “This may boost an individual’s self-esteem temporarily, but once he or she logs off social media their self-esteem really hasn’t improved” (Penn State). This quotation accurately describes the “epidemic” that social media has on teenagers. They crave attention, but the release of dopamine that comes with the positive attention is only temporary, causing them to crave it again and again, leading to a false sense of