Transparency, though necessary, often does not happen due to outside forces that keep a variety of situations from being exposed. Federal and state laws play a pivotal role in keeping different variables unexposed from staff and students. Regardless, the administrators give our staff freedom to make curriculum and classroom management decisions based on their own styles and the type of student they teach. Plus, on a whole, they treat each educator and support staff with great respect and are always looking for feedback in regards to campus activities. The district annually tracks the summative assessments taken at the end of each year and find the areas of strength and weakness. In return, each campus core team knows the target areas to sharpen. The only weakness on the survey in my minds revolves around the lack of incentive. As educators we learn our targets but are not motivated by immediate or external awards. Instead, intrinsic motivators are key in helping us to do what is best for …show more content…
Those two strengths will serve me well in leadership positions because in the business of people communication is a strong way to reach out to all types of people and help maintain or improve upon their position. Not just outward communicating but better yet, listening to the concerns and everyday mindsight employees are in. As well as, always prepare to learn new processes and new ideas to help the faculty and staff grow with the changes in technology and changes in the community. A one size fits all mentality must be shed and a growth mindset should takes its place for when the time comes to make personal and professional adjustments in