A very good morning to our English teacher cik Pratiba, and fellow friends. Today my group and I would like to act out a dialogue with the title VACATION. Now before I start allow me to introduce my group that is Abirami, Asykin and myself Amira.
AZMAN: (1st day of school after the summer holidays) Hi abi … Hi syikin … how was your holiday guys?
LIYA : It was great. My family went to Pulau Langkawi which is known as the jewel of Kedah. We visited many tourist attractions. Some of my favourite spots are the Bird Park, The crocodile farm and The Underwater world. We also got the chance to visit Mahsuri’s grave. While we were there I saw a painting of Mahsuri. Do you guys know the reason why Mahsuri is special?
LIYA1: No I don’t, why is Mahsuri so special?
AZMAN: I heard that Mahsuri was a pregnant woman who was sentence to death for eating the king’s precious fruits right.
LIYA: Well it is true about that but that’s only half of it. Like you said she is a pregnant woman that was sentence to death and legend had said the day of her prosecution she had prayed to god never to let Pulau Langkawi to be modernised before her seventh generation was born. Since then Langkawi was never modernised until it is said that Mahsiru’s seventh generation was born, but enough about me how was your summer holiday Syikin?
LIYA1: oh how interesting. My holiday however was not as interesting as yours did but to me it was the most memorable. We went to visit my grandmother at my mother’s hometown in a small village situated at Melaka. My grandmother has a garden there and the time was right because the fruits have fully ripened. She grew many fruits there like Durians, Mangos and Mangosteens. It feels like an island paradise there especially after we finished harvesting the fruits and that’s how my vacation went. So how was yours Amira?
AZMAN: Your vacation sounds tons of fun Abi and you to Syiki. Well for my vacation my parents brought us to Cameron highlands