Commedia Dell'Arte is a form of improvised drama which originated in Italy in the 16th century. Commedia uses stock characters and is a form of theatre for the common man.
Fawlty Towers is a British sitcom created by BBC Television which first broadcasted on BBC2 in 1975.
Faulty Towers episode "Gourmet Night" have used many of the same comical devices as Commedia. Faulty Towers is originally based in a hotel and focuses on the misfortunes of the owners and the staff as they try to run the business. Commedia and Fawlty Towers are the same in ways the characters are presented both conventions. The relationships of Commedia and Faulty Towers are highly the same as they have things in common by the way they're all being presented. For example, Basil and his wife Sibil which analyze Pantalone and his best friend, Doltore. Lastly, form of comedy for both conventions is very physical with lots of stumbling and pratfalls.
Pantelone is an old venetian merchant who'd always carry a money bag, he calls his 'sack'. Pantalone is rich and greedy mise and is obsessed with money and always after women especially Columbina who is his servant along with Arlecchino. On the other hand, he is gullible and often tricked.
Another character of Commedia Dell'Arte is Arlecchino. He is described as very agile and dumb but most of the time, a happy man who enjoys playing tricks on people.
Basil Fawlty who is the owner of the Hotel. He has constant mood swings and is quite money hungry.
Manuel is the Spanish and can't speak English fluently. He often misunderstands people. For instance, in the episode "Gourmet Night", Basil told him to change the plates but misunderstood him, so he kept switching it.
These two commedia characters and two falwty towers characters are highly similar because they both have the same attitude and personality. For example, Pantalone and Basil are both money hungry. They'd both find a way, in order to gain more money. As an