Patricia Benner (1984) applied the Dreyfus model to nursing and formulated a framework that traced the development of nursing skill and expertise from novice to expert practitioner. She trusted on the theory of Heidegger (1962) to discuss the role of experience in redefining perceptions. The newly qualified nurses may not have adequate of experience working with psychiatric patients. Rohde (1966) described Heidegger’s depiction of the process of perception formation thus: “Perceptions are built on the past experience and are understood in the form of shared meanings and common understanding or misunderstanding”. Heidegger defines four types of causes or elements for every usable item that exist in the world: 1) in-order-to; …show more content…
The interviews were conducted as informal dialogues (Bailey, 1996), using reciprocal communication techniques (Groenwald, 2004). Guiding questions were used to bracket the research topic and acted as a deterrent from collecting data that might have been useless in describing the phenomenon (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Moustakas, 1994). The interviewer was refrained from offering opinions or guiding the conversation, but did ask questions as appropriate to continue a thread in the interview. Three nurses from private nursing college and two nurses from government nursing college were selected …show more content…
According to Patton, triangulation was used to certify the integrity and accuracy of the data (Patton, 1990). For this study as triangulating analysts, two colleagues was recruited to read the transcripts. One analyst is an expertise in qualitative research, and taught phenomenological research methodology in a doctoral program and who is not a nurse. The second analyst was a psychiatric specialized nurse from psychiatric institution with experience in phenomenological research. After a time of reflection, the triangulating analysts to compare findings and validate emerging themes, make corrections, and elicit additional information about the phenomenon with the interviewer. This process was found to be very useful in determining data saturation. The participants were given a copy of their transcribed interview. They might have the opportunity to review it for correctness and validate that the content correctly captured the intent of their responses. The participants were not allowed to analyze