struck by a brain aneurysm. He was in the hospital for weeks, and every day I went there I saw…
I come to in the car, my weeping mother driving with one hand while holding a blood-soaked dishtowel to my forehead. Eighteen stitches and a mild concussion. My dad never could get the blood out of the car seats.…
I couldn’t believe it. He was very young, and seemed to be quite healthy. At that minute, my whole family sat around the living room sobbing our eyes out. It was probably the saddest moment of my life. For this reason, my family drove over to my Grandma’s house to meet the rest of my family. Once we got there, everyone was not doing well at all. We all mourned together for the next few days. During those few days, I noticed how everyone in our family accompanied each other, and how close we all became. I now realize that family is the most important thing, and they will always be there for…
*Beep beep beep* I hear the unthinkable. The hospital heart monitor hooked up to my own flesh and blood. She ripped her liver open, my uncle shattered his cheek bone in several places and my mom’s friend involved in the accident to has a broken foot. Lets recap the horrible weekend we all had on that mid-snowy night.…
At first we were all shocked. Aunt Jackie called 911. Mom tried to push on his stomach, tried to breathe in his mouth, and tried to make him sit up. Although he did none of those things. When the ambulance arrived Aunt Jodi and I had to go in the bathroom. I slowly began to realize Papa was gone. He was gone forever, and he was never coming back.…
The shocking truth about the outcomes of being in a near fatal car accident is that the recovery from these grievances can take years of treatment, physiotherapy, medications and therapy, but the physical and psychological pain may never go away for both the wounded and their loved ones. (NOVA: Australian Academy of Science- Road Trauma Prevention).…
I had a neck brace around my neck and IV’s stuck all in my arms. I started to panic, I was lost, confused and scared. My best friend was there in the ambulance trying to calm me down. But still, all I could think about was the reaction of my parents when they found out what happened. Once we got to the hospital, the paramedics took me to Emergency Care. The doctors ran many tests on me: MRI’s, CAT Scans, and X-Rays, whatever test you can name – they ran on me. As I waited for my results, the doctors came in and explained to me what happened. An intoxicated driver with a gun ran the red light and hit me in a head on collision. The driver not only totaled my mother’s car but also totaled his own car too. The good thing was that he was okay. I didn’t know what to be happier about; the fact that the other driver was fine or that the accident was not my fault. Selfish right? But I’m sure if you were me at the time, you would think the same thing.…
When I found out I panicked to such an extent that I didn’t even eat before going to check on him in the hospital. On our way to the hospital all I could think about was all the times people have died from their injuries. I was terrified that my best friend would die.…
I knew before they hit us that it was going to be bad. I could see out of the corner of my eye that my brother was out of the car. He was conscious and getting up. I, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at my left leg. It had immediately started to swell-…
Consequences of drunk driving are vast. The worst of them being killing of the innocent. Teenage drunk drivers put themselves and every other person on the road in danger. A teenager’s body is not usually immune to alcohol as well as adults. While intoxicated, teens take less risk and are much less cautious. In order to drive safely, the driver must be alert, quick, and capable to make decisions all the while executing them. Alcohol leads to loss of coordination, poor judgment, slow reflexes, and blurred vision. All of these things are required for driving safely. Teenagers jump behind the wheel of a vehicle without thinking. There are even cases in which best friends have killed each other due to driving drunk. On May 25, 2006 Jessica Rashdall, an eighteen year old, killed her best friend. The two were on their way home from a nightclub where they had been drinking. Within the next hour Laura Gorman was dead on a Florida highway. Rashdall served four years in prison even though it was an accident. Rashdall once shared a strong bond with her best friend’s family; now the Gorman’s blame Jessica for the loss of their loved one.…
Instead of calling a family member, he decided to drive home. Since he was never caught drunk driving he thought it couldn't happen to him. Because of his foolish action to drive, he was the reason of a wrong way crash that injured him, the other driver, and killed the passenger of the other car. After a few months of recovery he was taken to court and found guilty. My family had to deal with news, neighbors, and family members asking nonstop questions about what had happened. The other family had to deal with the lose of a loved…
Three days after the accident, I awoke astonished to find that I was still breathing, but distraught when I saw the effects of the explosion. I had lost of both my legs from the calf down, and had extreme damage to the nerves in my left hand; the doctors said I would be unable to use it ever again. As the days went by, my mood was ever degraded by damage to my body, it felt like I was missing a part of myself, more than just physically, like I wasn’t myself anymore. Dr. Tirjuani, told…
As I’m sitting in the emergency room waiting room considering what I could’ve possibly done to be entitled to this. I’m only 10 how could I be responsible for something like this. I sat there staring at my siblings deeply absorbed in thought. In a way I knew that my day would end with news that would disappoint me. I think it’s better if I back up just a little. The evening of July 13th, 2010 was a transformative evening, As a young girl experiencing something like this impacts you significantly and it has impacted everything I have done up to this point. I can honestly say I have not acted like a normal teenager or kid ever since. After what happened I was forced to abandon my childhood and become someone my two siblings could look up to, not resent. Doing this has made me stronger and more protective of my family, it also taught me not to take anything for granted. Remembering the paramedics arriving, I stood outside carrying my little brother and holding my sisters hand while my mom was inside with the paramedics. Sounds like a scene from a movie I’m aware, I thought I was dreaming. In all honesty, my body was in shock. Next thing I remember is my mom telling us to get in my dad’s jeep. The car ride to the ER was a blur. The thing is I replay that day in my head a lot and think of what I could’ve done to prevent it. I’ve tried erasing it from my thoughts but it always…
I knew that after walking into room 113 my life was going to be changed. I saw nurses saying, “sorry”, familiar faces with tears falling fast from their eyes, and arms opening wide for hugs. I knew something was wrong as I saw her lying still in her bed, eyes closed, and arms crossed over her stomach. Grandma Dorothy’s second stroke had slowly taken her life.…
I nervously took a seat next to my mother. Her anger and sadness did nothing but rub off on me, and caused my mother and I to conflict against each other. Once again sitting in silence, I heard a nurse call for the family of Robert Irving Burns. My mother and I stood up and following the nurse out of the waiting room and into my grandfather’s room. His room was a small, well kept room with one window, one door, one bed, and one patient. “Today is the day huh?” the nurse said calmly. My mother nodded. “Well when you give me the word, we will unplug all of the machines except for the heart rate monitor.” My grandfather was hooked up to a ventilator, and had a tube shoved down through his mouth so the air could inflate his lungs. He looked completely asleep with the tube down his throat, almost as if he knew nothing was even wrong. I’m not quite sure if he did know anything was wrong. His body was plump, but more swollen than usual. He had his eyes closed, and his hand was limp. I looked over at my mother and she told the nurse it was time. The nurse slowly grasped the tube and gently pulled it out of my grandfather’s throat. The moment it left his mouth, his eyes struck open, he body tensed up, and his hands clamped shut. My mother became hysterical and tried to do everything she could to help him, but he was already dying and there was…