I teach ceramics to level students in a certified class.
My role as a teacher is to create stimulating classes giving the learners the opportunity to develop and achieve skills associated with ceramics practices. I start by firstly understanding the assesment criteria set out by the AS board, to make target points before I can set out a scheme of work, aims and objectives for the class. The As paper for A Level exams states “candidates should be introduced to a variety of experiences, employing a range of media prosesses and techneques to the chosen area of study“. Therefore I understand I need to help my pupils develop their ideas through sustained investigation informed by contextual and other related sources . They will need to produce a body of work that shows experimentation with media, materials and techniques. I know then I need to guide them to appropriate recourses, media, techniques and processes, reviewing their ideas as their work develops.
My role is to enable pupils to develop a language in ceramics so they may express ideas and intentions in an assured and confident manner. In my role I need to understand proffessional boundries within which to work. Duty of care in schools is a paper set out for schools by The department for children, schools and family’s. Knowing what is acceptable and none acceptable behaviour conducted in class is essential to carry out a professional role.
Suitable language must be used by all persons in class. Use of abusive language will not be tolerated.
Bibliography: “A Level Design Specifications for exams 2009 onwards (Version 2.0). Scheme of Assessment” “Department for Children, Schools and Families: Government Guidelines”. P.2 of ENAG. “Every Child Matters” (3.8 Enjoy and Achieve, p.4) Kolb, David A. “David A. Kolb on Experiential Learning” (http://www.infed.org/biblio/b-explrn.htm) Gravells, Ann. “Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector”. P.40. Handley