Point out major differences between Packer’s crime control and due process models. Based on your reading and the Attend section in Unit 1, which model (crime control or due process) is more effective in reducing crime?
In the first of two Packer’s model is the crime control model (Bohm & Haley, 2011).
The crime control model is conservative in its values and is more about criminal behavior. The Parker crime control model is like an “assembly-line justice” (Bohm & …show more content…
This model rejects the informal fact-finding process. This model insists on a formal fact-finding process so the suspect has the to discredit the charges in an impartial trial court. Packer calls this model an “obstacle course justice” (Bohm & Haley, 2011, p 17). This model believes that people do make mistakes and that the police can arrest the wrong person at times. The goal if this model is to protect the innocent from any guilt. By using this model, you must be factually guilty and legally guilty. The idea of this model is personal freedom and protection. The model believes its most important protection for you is from the government and its agents.
The crime control model appears to be the most effective for reducing crime due to it has a quicker result of guilt or innocents (Bohm & Haley, 2011). The model also has elements of the due process model for those cases needing or wanting to go to trial.
Therefore, the Parker models have very distinct differences depending on your political views (Bohm & Haley, 2011). If you want a speeder more informal process you will prefer the crime control model. If you want a slower more formal process you will prefer the due process model. Regardless of either model, they are a vital to our criminal justice system and how it