
Dust Fog Monologue

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Dust Fog Monologue
My ear rings. My eyes, I can’t see anything. A thick dust fog blocks my vision.

“Cough! Cough!” The dust fog settles. A huge hole in the ceiling becomes visible. Through it, I stare at the clouds, flat on back. My arms and legs are numb. They won’t listen. They won’t move. I’m afraid rather.

Rust, this familiar scent in my nose, my lips, everywhere. It reeks. It can’t be!

“blood…” softly, I mutter.

I can’t even look, down there. No, I don’t wanna look.

Thump, thump! This can’t be? Calm down. My eyes are... Stay awake and calm down. Don’t give up. Remember the sequence. Powers of two, let’s focus.

2, 4, 8… hang in there, focus. Breathe in.

16, 32, 64… it’s getting dark. Be calm and breathe out.

128, 256… arrghhh! Stay awake, damn it!
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I can’t see anything…


Ms. Rogers? A power-dot on the board?

[Pacifican Border Dispute.]


Above, it’s 2:00 PM. That clock, it’s been a while since Michelle gave that to me.

Wait… This room is… my classroom. It’s time for social studies.

A dream? It can’t be. I must be seeing things.

“Sir!” she calls.

“Woah!” Immediately, I wipe the dust in my eyes.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!” the students laugh. Did I fall asleep?

“You kids! You’ll grow old too, and busy with lots of stuff to do. Just wait for your turn!”

“Errmm! Ms. Rogers, go on. Continue your presentation.”

“Good morning, huh!” The kids laugh.

“No! Good afternoon, Mr. King and fellow students. Today, we present to you some of the most significant events in current history.” Clutching her clicker, she advances the powerdot.

“Here we have Trent Galapagus, the president. He went yesterday to Anas, the capital of the Federation of the Midland States, to negotiate with them Pacifica’s ocean border claim. He bravely faced the Federation leader to make a compromise of joint ownership of the border, thus Pacifican fishermen can now return to the sea to resume their livelihood.” Flash, she advances the slideshow, revealing a map outlining the Pacifican ocean
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Oswald, debunked the claim, saying that the matters were not of interest to national security.]

[If the president is not acting out of his vested personal interest, why does he seem intent in hiding the information required by the media? Could he be hiding skeletons in his closet?]

I remember now, but there’s something missing. Let me type that– OUUGH!

My head splits! My eyes… Not again!


“Mr. King? Are you alright? It looks as if you've seen a ghost.” Warmth, someone’s got my arm. Red nails, a golden Turnex brand watch, that big nose and curly hair. Ms. Allison?

“I’m okay, I’m okay.” As I turn, I see a multitude of people seated, about a thousand or more on the ground and on the balcony.

Thump, thump! I'm not speaking, am I?

“Look, everyone’s waiting. It’s almost your turn.” My heart jumps out of my chest.

I remember. I have a conference about the truth with the current presidency. Dear me, am I going senile?

“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, I introduce our next speaker, Dr. Nicholas King. He is an expert in history and social sciences, and is known as a staunch critic of the current administration. Here he

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