Eisenhower and other Allied Generals planned the invasion of Normandy (Hargrove 12). Eisenhower would lead the 6,483 sea vessels,about 800,000 men, and 12,000 aircraft across the English Channel toNormandy France (Benson 12). Eisenhower had hoped that the Germanswould fear an invasion at the close French city of Calais ("The Beachesof..." 9). There were to be five beaches invaided with the code names;Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword, and Juno ("The beaches of..." 28). In the endDwight D. Eisenhower led the Allies to victory on June 6,1944. IfEisenhower had made a wrong choice, Hitler would have continued to rainV-1 & V-2 rockets on London (Benson 7). Eisenhower had nowsuccessfully completed the most important invasion in history wiping out allmost 100% of German units. Luckily Allied forces only suffered 76% casualties (Barry 30). Dwight Eisenhower was one of the most popular and successfulpresidents in our country's history. Eisenhower was elected to the office ofpresident twice. His first term with vice president Richard Nixion began in1952 (Hargrove 65). Then again in 1956 Dwight Eisenhower was reelectedto president winning by a landslide (Hargrove …show more content…
Eisenhower started manyimportant programs and made great advancements in the United States."The atom, once mans' slayer will now become his most productive servant". This is what Eisenhower said when he pushed for the start of theInternational Atomic Agency (Reeder 145). He also organized the Army tocreate a space program, which eventually launched Explorer I (Hargrove 81). President Eisenhower signed the two last states into the Union, Alaskaand Hawaii (Hargrove 82). He also started to build a mass network ofinterstate across the country from coast to coast (Hargrove 82). On January20, 1961 Dwight Eisenhower left the office of President and was succeededby newly-elected President John F. Kennedy (Hargrove 87). In closing I believe that Dwight David Eisenhower is one of ourgreatest American heroes. Even after his presidency Eisenhower still wasone of the most popular people and admired people through the mid to late1960's. He lived on a farm in Gettesyberg Pennsylvania spending much ofhis time playing golf ( Hargrove 88). Then in 1969 on March 28, Dwight Eisenhower died due to a long battle with heart problems.