Dr. Pankaj Gupta
Dr. Aaditya Udupa
The pharmaceutical industry, the medical profession and the patient have a unique, symbiotic relationship. The industry makes products which it cannot sell to the patient (consumer) directly. On the other hand, the medical profession cannot treat the patient without drugs produced by the industry. Thus, the industry and medical profession are interdependent with a common aim. It is crucial that this interdependency is based on the principles of beneficence, non- maleficence, patient autonomy and justice.
Understanding the Industry interaction with Physicians: Business dimension
The interaction between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry can be viewed in terms of supply and demand. The pharmaceutical industry has the money, which it can supply to physicians in various forms such as promotional gifts, entertainment, free drug samples, and funding for continuing medical education. The physicians have a demand for continuing education in order to discharge their professional obligations to their patients. It may seem that there is an overlap or duality of interest of both the pharmaceutical industry and physicians with respect to their encouragement of the effective and responsible use of drugs in treatment and care, the monitoring of their use, and the conduct of innovative research Notwithstanding this overlapping of interests, physicians and the pharmaceutical industry each have a different emphasis and they focus on different stakeholders. The pharmaceutical companies’ principal emphasis is the encouragement of the use of their products; the physicians’ primary emphasis is effective patient care. The primary stakeholder in patient care is the patient; while the principal stakeholder in industry is the shareholder (Komesaroff and Kerridge 2002)
Business ethics versus Medical
References: 1. Marshall IE. Physicians and the pharmaceutical industry: a symbiotic relationship?. “The Power of Pills: Social, Ethical and Legal Issues in Drug Development, Marketing and Pricing”. Chapter 5 2. Rastogi, S, Rastogi HL. Ethical Issues concerning the relationships between medical practitioners and the pharmaceutical industry. www.pharmainfo.net 2008 3. Wahab H. Unethical Alliance between Physicians and Pharmaceutical Industry. 4. Harmon H, LuAnn ME. Ethics of the Physician‐Pharmaceutical Industry Relationship. American College of Physicians South Dakota and Wyoming Chapters Scientific Meeting September 17, 2009 5. Puri N. Competition has brought in a Growing Unscrupulousness. www.expresshealthcare.in. June2007